33/52 Mansa Chintoh
33/52 Mansa Chintoh
“My whole life I’ve always been into music, style, pop culture, art, film, that’s essentially all I care about (laughter). Choosing law specifically was more so because of my African parents being like “You need to have a career!”
So I chose entertainment law because it was a way for me to marry the things that I’m interested in with a career my mom won’t yell at me about (laughter)…Something I’m getting into now myself is producing. I want to MAKE something. I’ve been accepted into the National Screen Institute’s series incubator so I will make something this year, but being a lawyer I have such an A type brain that I’m always wondering, what are the rules, what are the steps, what’s the right way to do things, and I’m realizing that there is no right way so I just need to DO IT.”